I’ve just had the privilege on speaking about what Social
Justice and Equality mean to me at the Scottish Parliament. I was asked to
share the platform with Alex Neil MSP, the newly appointed Cabinet
Secretary for Social Justice.
Here’s an outline
The gospel according to Matthew records that Jesus said “…do not resist an evil person! If someone
slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.”[i]
It seems such a strange saying, almost advocating a pacifist “please just hit
me again it doesn’t matter” response. While we instantly recognise that it’s a
non-violent response, we don’t seem to understand why the other cheek? Are we
to be door mats to be stepped on?
Rather this is actually a non-violent protest, a statement
of equality that would have reverberated around the city and nation.
You see in order to be slapped on “the right cheek” you must strike with the back of your hand, and
action that is strongly associated with master and slave, ruler and
subservient, or someone of lower status in society. Equals would come to blows,
or use palm of the hand. Hence turning the other cheek is a provocative
statement of equality, it says I am not less than you, I am your equal and you
should treat me as such.
Social Justice and
Equality are much talked about subjects, and many work hard to achieve it, yet
it still seems that they are forever on the horizon, just in view but out of
Too often there are people in society who are invisible to
us, that we don’t see or don’t notice, people who often need seen, heard and
understood. Sadly and painfully we’re all too well aware that depending on
where geographically you are born, and in to what kind of family can, with a
few notable exceptions, often have devastating effects on your prospects.
Yet the value of a life born into poverty is no different
from those born into security. We’re all different but “We're a' Jock Tamson's Bairns”
Sometimes we need to
work a little harder with those who are vulnerable to level the playing field
to provide the same opportunities for all of society. I feel compelled to work
for a society that acknowledges that it must do more to support disadvantaged
people – to help them reach their full potential.
Genesis tell us that God created us as to be human in His image, an image and something of our humanity was quickly broken. While I would strongly argue that it is Christ who
redeems us, there is something in our care for the other that makes us all more human and less broken. As we participate
in caring communities, we become more of who we were created to be as we give
and receive the community’s care. That for me is just the start of Social
Justice and Equality.
Matthew 5:39 NLT